Sunday Service, July 9, 2023

A Paradise Within Reach

Speaker: Chad Towarnicki. Lay Leader: Mary Ryan.

This service is inspired by the third principle: Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth. In celebration of the recent bee hives added to the fellowship property, and slightly based off of an article published in the American Bee Journal, the talk will touch on the nature of honey bees, a young Henry David Thoreau who took umbrage with the idea that a utopia would be nature in service of man, and how our fellowship is a sort of “hive” all its own.

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Sunday Service, July 16, 2023

Pictures of You.

Speaker: Emily Quarles-Mowrer

Each of us carries our self-image in our head — our ingrained notions of who we are and what qualities we have or lack. How often do we think about these images? What might we find if we examined where these images came from and compared them to the changing and evolving person we are today?

3rd Sunday Potluck follows the service.

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Sunday Service, July 23, 2023

Sounds of Change.

Speaker: Monica Buckley

Music has long been used to accelerate social change. For this service we will explore the histories and meaning behind several protest songs throughout American history that exemplify our UU 7 Principles. We hope to leave you inspired and a little infuriated.

Please note that due to copyright this service will not be recorded.

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Sunday, July 30, 2023

Pay Attention! Natural Wonders Abound.

Speaker: Miranda Van Horn

In her poem, “When Death Comes, Mary Oliver says, “When it’s over, I want to say: All my life I was a bride married to amazement.” To experience the amazement and the many natural wonders around us we must notice them in the first place. Through published research, essays, poetry and anecdotes we’ll consider some of the joys of the human experience with nature.

We’ll also practice noticing natural wonders with a short nature meditation.

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Celebration of Life:

We will remember and celebrate the life of Judith Van Beek at a small memorial service following this Sunday’s service.

Judith was an active member of UUFP since 2001, having served on the membership committee, the garden committee, kitchen committee and sang with the fellowship choir.

We welcome all who knew her, worked with her and appreciated the unique and wonderful person she was.
Refreshments will be served afterwards in the fellowship room.

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President’s Message, June 2023

“Fiscal year end is awesome!!!!!!! Said no one who holds a position in Finance.” ~ Anonymous

It is hard to believe this is the last month of the fiscal year, which means it is a very busy time for the Board of Directors, especially our treasurer, Kris Barnthouse. With the pledge drive concluding in May, Kris has been very busy putting together a new budget for the upcoming year that members of the UUFP will vote on at the Annual Congregational Meeting on June 11.

While on the surface, this might seem like a simple task, in reality it is a painstaking process of determining how much money we anticipate we will have for the year (the pledge drive) and allocating it out such that the fellowship’s and various committee’s needs are met. There are so many things that so many people would like to see done and it is up to Kris (with support from the Board) to craft these wishes into a realistic budget. So many, many thanks go out to Kris for all the work that he is doing, keeping our little community solvent and flourishing.

As I stated, the Annual Congregational Meeting will be held at the fellowship on Sunday, June 11, starting after the conclusion of Sunday services. Not only will members be voting on the new budget, but they will also be voting on the Board of Directors for the new fiscal year. The proposed Board of Directors are:

President: Linda Kozitzky; Vice President: Rick Duske; Treasurer: Kris Barnthouse; Secretary: Mary Ryan; Member-at-large: Monica Buckley; Member-at-large: Miranda Van Horn

End of year reports will also be given during this meeting. While all are invited, only members may vote. Further communication regarding the meeting will be posted in the fellowship and distributed via email to voting members.

But, not just the Board of Directors that has been busy. The Membership Committee has been busy holding multiple UU101 and UU102 classes for those individuals who want to learn more about us and coordinating the New Member Service. They were also busy planning the annual Potluck Picnic. Many thanks go out to that committee.

Thanks also go out to all who showed up to help with Spring Cleanup. Our community thrives on not only ensuring that our friends and members are taken care of, but also our buildings and ground. It takes a village….. And speaking of our village, I would like to welcome three new members: Justine and Chad Towarnicki and Corina Jenkins. Welcome to our community!

With gratitude, Linda K.

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Sunday Service, June 4, 2023

Guest speaker: Kim Wilson.


This morning we take a fresh look at the original Biblical mother and father.  While the Adam and Eve story has long been understood as a fall from God’s grace, feminist theologian Lyn Bechtel makes a compelling case for a very different interpretation – one that focuses on maturity rather than eternal damnation, and redeems Eve’s reputation.

New Members will be welcomed to UUFP at this service.

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Sunday Service, June 11, 2023

What is it? Why is it good for you? How do you find more of it?

Guest Speaker: Cheryl Meinshein. Lay Leader: Jon Dreazon

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Sunday Service, June 18, 2023

The Value for Us of Observing Plants In Our Own Local Natural Habitats

Guest Speaker: Susan Munch, PhD
Professor of Botany, retired; Albright College

Dr. Munch will discuss the importance of nature, and especially of plants, in giving us beauty, peace, and serenity, with emphasis on simple small green plants and the water that supports them. Local plants and habitats can be as beneficial to us as distant ones that seem grander and more impressive.

A native of St. Louis MO, Dr. Munch is a graduate of Swarthmore and earned her PhD in Botany from the University of Washington in Seattle. She is a published author and has taught biology and botany in MD, VA, MT and OH. She has worked for the Ohio Department of Natural Areas and Preserves. She is a retired professor of biology from Albright College. In her own words, “I keep appreciating plants both in my own garden and out in the woods, and often take people on walks to look at all kinds of plants in various natural habitats near Oley, where I have lived for over 30 years.”

Please join us for a Potluck luncheon following today’s service.

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Sunday Service, June 25, 2023

Creative Spirits — Exploring our UU 4th Principle Through the Arts
Lay Speaker: Monica Buckley

This service is inspired by the Unitarian Universalist 4th Principle: A free and responsible search for truth and meaning. It is in our human nature to express ourselves through creativity. From very basic doodling to complex symphonies, humans have always used artistic means to make sense of our existence and experience. This service will showcase the creative endeavors of our UU members and friends. We hope to inspire you to experiment with your creative side and explore your truth through the arts.

If you would like to participate in the service or would like to showcase your projects or talents during the arts gala after the service please contact Monica at mlbuck1986@gmail. com.

Please join us for coffee hour following today’s service.

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