Sunday Service, August 6, 2023

Defiant Love: Interrogating Our Inheritance.
Guest Speaker: JD Stillwater.
Lay Leader: Emily Quarles-Mowrer.

What are we, crazy? Some aspects of our inherited cultural system are clearly harmful to our planet, our descendants, and our how humanity. How did this happen?
The study of trauma and the science of epigenetics offer clues. In the context of our damaged and dysfunctional culture, acting with honor to our ancestors, respect for ourselves, and love for future generations often looks like rudeness or radical defiance. Sometimes Love requires us to defy our own heritage.

Coffee Hour follows the Service

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Sunday Service, August 13, 2023

Guest Speaker: Diane Trieb, Topic: TBA.
Lay Leader: Jon Dreazen.

Today we welcome back our friend Diane Trieb, who visited us last December with her take on The Grinch. Diane is a writer, teacher, counselor, group facilitator, and minister of Practical Spirituality. She is on a continual personal journey of seeking spitual and practical ways of integrating suffering and joy as both Human and Divine being. Visit her website to get better acquainted.

Coffee Hour follows the Service

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Sunday Service, August 20, 2023

Plan of Inaction.
Lay Speaker: Emily Quarles-Mowrer.

Our first principle calls us to recognize the inherent worth and dignity of each person. In a prevailing culture that prizes productivity, how can we take a step back and see that a person’s value in the world does not hinge upon completing some cosmic list of chores or good deeds? How do we remind ourselves that each of us is worthy because of what we are rather than because of what we do?

Third Sunday Potluck follows the Service
Please bring something tasty to share

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President’s Message — July 2023

The Road to Success is Always Under Construction. ~ Lily Tomlin

As we start the new fiscal year, let’s talk about how the UUFP will continue to construct towards success, which for us is defined as creating a viable and sustainable religious community. During the 2022 Annual Congregational Meeting, I stood before you and pointed out the greatest success we had was that we were still standing, albeit a little wobbly. I pointed out that while many religious institutions–including UU congregations across the country–had closed, our doors were still open. This was a huge success for our little fellowship; however, I pointed out that we needed to do things and invest in things that would help to create a sustainable community. And we did. And we had a very successful year, both fiscally and spiritually.

At this past Congregational Meeting, I said that I had “cautious optimism.” We are moving for- ward and we need to keep that momentum up. The Board of Directors cannot do it alone. We need your help. Many of you know that I spent my career in sales and sales related fields. So, I have no problem asking for things.

Here is my ask for you:

  • Do your part to spread the word about UUFP. When someone asks “How was your weekend?”, if appropriate, share about the interesting service you heard on Sunday. If this only resonates with one person, that’s a win.
  • Spread the word about renting our facility. If anyone you know is looking to hold a party–kids, adult, graduation, a wedding, celebration, or even a book club, let them know about our facilities.
  • Think of creative ideas for fundraising and share them if you have them. Part of the focus of these ideas should be to include the surrounding community.
  • If you shop at Giant, please purchase a Giant Card through us. We raised almost $1,000 by just having people do their routine shopping at a store that they are already using. This is easy money for us.
  • Spread the word about renting our facility. If anyone you know is looking to hold a party–kids, adult, graduation, a wedding, celebration, or even a book club–let them know about our facilities.
  • Think of creative ideas for fundraising and share them if you have them. Part of the focus of these ideas should be to include the surrounding community.
  • If you shop at Giant, please purchase a Giant Card through us. We raised almost $1,000 by just having people do their routine shopping at a store that they are already using. This is easy money for us.

Think about being on the Board of Directors. There are term limits set for board members for a good reason. New members and new leadership bring new ideas. If people or a government stays the same for too long, they get stagnant–stuck in a rut. Our term limits help to balance experience with diversity of ideas. To stay viable, all organisms need to evolve and adapt; so does our Board in order to keep our fellowship viable. If you would like to learn about positions on the Board, please reach out to any Board member.

In closing, I want to thank Alan Pallay for the past years that he has served on the Board. He was the sound of reason during Covid-19 and played a key role in helping the Board make decisions around opening and mask wearing, as well as offering insightful points of view on many topics. Thank you, Allan. Also, I would like to welcome Monica Buckley as the latest member of the Board. I look forward to working with her, as well as the other members of the Board over the upcoming year.

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Sunday Service, July 2, 2023

What I believe.

Speaker: Mary Ryan

This service is part of an on-going series where UUFP members tell what they believe and what brought them here. Mary will share her story and then open the floor for a congregational discussion.

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Sunday Service, July 9, 2023

A Paradise Within Reach

Speaker: Chad Towarnicki. Lay Leader: Mary Ryan.

This service is inspired by the third principle: Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth. In celebration of the recent bee hives added to the fellowship property, and slightly based off of an article published in the American Bee Journal, the talk will touch on the nature of honey bees, a young Henry David Thoreau who took umbrage with the idea that a utopia would be nature in service of man, and how our fellowship is a sort of “hive” all its own.

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Sunday Service, July 16, 2023

Pictures of You.

Speaker: Emily Quarles-Mowrer

Each of us carries our self-image in our head — our ingrained notions of who we are and what qualities we have or lack. How often do we think about these images? What might we find if we examined where these images came from and compared them to the changing and evolving person we are today?

3rd Sunday Potluck follows the service.

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Sunday Service, July 23, 2023

Sounds of Change.

Speaker: Monica Buckley

Music has long been used to accelerate social change. For this service we will explore the histories and meaning behind several protest songs throughout American history that exemplify our UU 7 Principles. We hope to leave you inspired and a little infuriated.

Please note that due to copyright this service will not be recorded.

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Sunday, July 30, 2023

Pay Attention! Natural Wonders Abound.

Speaker: Miranda Van Horn

In her poem, “When Death Comes, Mary Oliver says, “When it’s over, I want to say: All my life I was a bride married to amazement.” To experience the amazement and the many natural wonders around us we must notice them in the first place. Through published research, essays, poetry and anecdotes we’ll consider some of the joys of the human experience with nature.

We’ll also practice noticing natural wonders with a short nature meditation.

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Celebration of Life:

We will remember and celebrate the life of Judith Van Beek at a small memorial service following this Sunday’s service.

Judith was an active member of UUFP since 2001, having served on the membership committee, the garden committee, kitchen committee and sang with the fellowship choir.

We welcome all who knew her, worked with her and appreciated the unique and wonderful person she was.
Refreshments will be served afterwards in the fellowship room.

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