Religious Education

Welcome fall, and welcome to a new year of Religious Education! We would like to invite all UUFP members to become involved in our Religious Education (RE) program this year. Every person’s life is nourished by the love and support we receive in community. It is a real privilege to be given the opportunity to help guide our young people as they grow spiritually, develop their sense of personal and social responsibility, and take joy in our engaging programs.

There are many ways to be involved. 1) Each Sunday before RE classes, the entire UUFP community worships together for a short 3-5 minute lesson. Time for All Ages can range from meaningful songs, dances, and theatrical lessons to read-aloud books and conversational lessons. 2) Conduct a multigenerational service or activity where people of all generations are engaged in mutual activities (e.g., Children’s Labyrinth Walk, Christmas Eve service, Creative Spirits service). 3) Teach a class. We typically have three separate groups: The Rainbow Room (infant to pre-school), RE (our elementary school learners), and Discussion and Doughnuts (a.k.a., D&D to our middle school kids). The age-appropriate lesson is chosen by that week’s teacher.

All teachers have current clearances on file. If there is interest but trepidation, we would be happy to schedule a teacher training. If inspiration is needed, it can be found on the Unitarian Universalist Association’s (UUA) Worship Web Library ( or Curricula & Faith Development Library ( Please contact Director of Religious Education Ruby Barnthouse at for more information.

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