Social Justice Committee News

UUFP Hosted Presentation On Friday, May 11th at 7pm

The Dangers of the Mariner East Pipeline

UUFP hosted a presentation given by The Faith Alliance for Pipeline Safety (FAPS). The Faith Alliance for Pipeline Safety (FAPS) is an interfaith network of communities that believe they have a responsibility to take action to protect both vulnerable populations and the natural world from hazardous pipelines. It was founded in response to the Mariner East 2 (ME2) pipeline project and aims to organize people of various faiths to take meaningful action to stop such pipelines from being constructed. I hope you joined us on May, 11th to find out what our congregation and friends are willing to do to help stop these hazardous pipelines from being constructed in our area. Coffee, tea, and light refreshments were served.

For more information about The Faith Alliance for Pipeline Safety please visit

Desiree Peterman, Social Justice Committee Chair



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