Introducing the CYRE Committee

Welcome, families! UUFP is proud to say that we’ve grown enough this past year to warrant a
new committee! The Children and Youth Religious Education Committee (CYRE) will be a voice for our burgeoning youth programs and a liaison between parents, teachers, and
congregational leadership. I am honored to serve as the current chair of the CYRE committee. I have three children ages 6-11 who attend programs here, and I have several years’ experience in education myself. I’m very excited to work with our devoted RE team to provide meaningful,
engaging exploration of UU values to our youth. Please feel free to find me or one of our
teachers during coffee hour on Sundays if you have any questions about RE at UUFP, or if
you’d like to join the committee!

~Valery Murdock, CYRE Committee Chair

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President’s Message — March 2024

“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?‘”

The UUFP is looking for a few good people. First, we are looking for people to serve on the
Board of Directors. The Board serves a critical role in providing governance to ensure the
ongoing success of our fellowship. As outlined in our by-laws, all board members are elected
by the members of our fellowship. What you may not know is that our by-laws outline term
limits for each position. While there are many advantages to having term limits, one of the
biggest benefits are the new ideas and fresh perspectives that new board members bring.
Diversity of ideas is critical to being successful in an ever-changing environment. Periodically
adding new members to our Board of Directors not only keeps us in covenant with our by-laws
but also infuses the Board with new energy and ideas. So, if anyone is interested in serving on the board, please reach out to any member of the board.

Second, many of our committees are looking to add more people. Our committees and their
functions are varied, so regardless of your skills and talents, there is a committee that could benefit from your participation. Please speak to any Committee Chairperson to find out more.

Third, we are looking for two individuals to represent the UUFP at the General Assembly
meeting to be held this June. General Assembly (GA) is the annual meeting of our
Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA). Participants worship, witness, learn, connect,
and make policy for the Association through democratic process. This will be a virtual
meeting, so no travel is required. If you are interested in learning more about GA or want
to participate, please speak with a Board member.

I’ll close with thanking people who have given of their time this past month: Miranda Van
Horn, Kay Price, and the Membership Committee held the UU102 class and Clifford Schulman held another Cooking with Chef Clifford event. Who knew fundraising could be so tasty. I know there are many others who have given of their time to support the UUFP over the past month. While I might not know who you are and what you have done, please know
that all your efforts are appreciated.

With Gratitude, Linda

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Sunday Service — March 3, 2024

Being Human, Together ~ Speaker: Rev. Kim Wilson

A covenant can help build a foundation of trust within a congregation. By creating shared expectations around the ways of being together we want to cultivate, we come closer to creating the beloved community. Of course, we are only human, and covenants are broken and rewoven, like a spider’s web gets torn and repaired. We have a covenant which was created some time ago and after the service today, we will join together in a short workshop to review and perhaps update it.

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Sunday Service, March 10, 2024

Eclipsed: In the Shadow of the Moon ~ Speaker: JD Stillwater

Since the dawn of humanity, eclipses have evoked strong feelings and symbolism, and an
enduring mysticism expressed in legends, theologies, and worldviews. Eclipses remind us
that we are minuscule observers of grand and timeless processes far beyond our control. Rich
with metaphor and meaning, a total eclipse immerses us in awe. In this multimedia service,
JD Stillwater shares the deepest and strongest spiritual experience of his life, and reminds us of the rare opportunity afforded us on April 8, 2024.

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Sunday Service, March 17, 2024

Life Lessons from My Little Pony: Generosity ~ Speaker: Emily Quarles-Mowrer

This is a continuation of a sermon series inspired by our UU Principles, as viewed through the lens of the cartoon series My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. The six main ponies from the popular kids show each embody different qualities and display different talents. With the character Rarity as our guide, we will take a look at our first principle, “The inherent worth and dignity of every person,” through the spirit of generosity.

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Sunday Service, March 24, 2024

So You Say You Want An Evolution… ~ Speaker: Linda Kozitzky

Unlike most mainstream religions that have credos that have stood for thousands of years,
Unitarian Universalism, specifically the UUA, continues to conduct self-evaluation that helps
us stay in alignment with our aspiration to be a living tradition. Come learn how our Principles
and Purposes have evolved over time and what the UUA is proposing for the next
evolutionary step. We will also discuss what it means for the UUFP and our community.

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Sunday Service, March 31, 2024

Easter Sunday Service ~ Speaker: Monica Buckley

“For now, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone. The flowers appear on the earth, the time of singing has come… The fig tree puts forth its figs, and the vines are in blossom; they give forth fragrance.” (Song of Solomon 2:11) Please join us as we celebrate Spring and all that it has to offer through music and the arts this Easter Sunday!

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President’s Message — February 2024

How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world. ~ Anne Frank

While I can’t speak for improvements to the world, I can speak to individuals and their actions that helped to improve our UUFP community. First, a big thank you goes out to Miranda Van Horn and the membership committee for holding a UU101 class in January. This class was offered to help new friends and long-term members increase their understanding of Unitarian Universalism. For those individuals who are interested in becoming members of our fellowship, it is the first step. UU102 will be held in the next few weeks.

Another thank you goes out to Valery Murdock for volunteering to chair the Children and Youth Religious Education committee. Her background in teaching will serve her well in this role. An outline of the roles and responsibilities of this committee has been posted on the bulletin board just outside the sanctuary doors — think PTO. If you are interested in participating in this very important committee, please let Valery know. Last month I wrote that the children are our future and what better way to impact the world than to help the children along their own spiritual journey.

And speaking of journeys, the UUFP has certainly been on an exciting one over the past few years. Sunday Service attendance is up, which includes new visitors and more children. To ensure that the fellowship continues to meet the needs of its members and friends, the Board of Directors needs input and feedback to ensure that we are making the right decisions and investments to best serve our evolving community. To that end, sometime during the latter part of February, you will be asked to complete a survey. The survey will be anonymous, so the Board asks that you be as candid as possible with your feedback. This is a great opportunity for everyone to help to improve our community.

In closing, I’d like to mention one more item. If you are interested in improving your culinary skills, there will be another “Cooking with Clifford” offered on February 24. The focus of this program will be seafood chowders. The cost will be $20 to attend. Please let Clifford Schulman or I know if you are interested in attending. Or, you may register via email to:

With Gratitude, Linda

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Sunday Service — February 25, 2024

~ Tales from Spirit Wind: Guest Speaker: Darius Puff ~

Mr. Puff, also known as “Silver Fox,” is a retired police chief from Boyertown who has studied history all his life. When he discovered he had an older relative who was a Lenape Native American he began to specialize in Lenape heritage. He has given presentations all around our area. This program will be intergenerational and interactive, so all young people are invited to join us for the service. Mr. Puff has many objects to show and will tell us about them. He will also do the “Story for All Ages.”

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Sunday Service — February 4, 2023

Of Dog Whistles and Fig Leaves: How Modern Racism Hides in Plain Sight ~ Speaker Rev. Kim Wilson

As author Gary Younge has observed, for too long we have pretended that we are a post-racial society, and that racism is “the marginal obsession of the uncouth.” The reality is that “we have simply become more sophisticated about our prejudices. We have plenty of racism, but apparently very few racists.” As UUs committed to antiracism, it’s important that we learn to identify today’s more covert forms of racism and to expose them for what they truly are.

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