Sunday Service, March 24, 2024

So You Say You Want An Evolution… ~ Speaker: Linda Kozitzky

Unlike most mainstream religions that have credos that have stood for thousands of years,
Unitarian Universalism, specifically the UUA, continues to conduct self-evaluation that helps
us stay in alignment with our aspiration to be a living tradition. Come learn how our Principles
and Purposes have evolved over time and what the UUA is proposing for the next
evolutionary step. We will also discuss what it means for the UUFP and our community.

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Sunday Service, March 31, 2024

Easter Sunday Service ~ Speaker: Monica Buckley

“For now, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone. The flowers appear on the earth, the time of singing has come… The fig tree puts forth its figs, and the vines are in blossom; they give forth fragrance.” (Song of Solomon 2:11) Please join us as we celebrate Spring and all that it has to offer through music and the arts this Easter Sunday!

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President’s Message — February 2024

How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world. ~ Anne Frank

While I can’t speak for improvements to the world, I can speak to individuals and their actions that helped to improve our UUFP community. First, a big thank you goes out to Miranda Van Horn and the membership committee for holding a UU101 class in January. This class was offered to help new friends and long-term members increase their understanding of Unitarian Universalism. For those individuals who are interested in becoming members of our fellowship, it is the first step. UU102 will be held in the next few weeks.

Another thank you goes out to Valery Murdock for volunteering to chair the Children and Youth Religious Education committee. Her background in teaching will serve her well in this role. An outline of the roles and responsibilities of this committee has been posted on the bulletin board just outside the sanctuary doors — think PTO. If you are interested in participating in this very important committee, please let Valery know. Last month I wrote that the children are our future and what better way to impact the world than to help the children along their own spiritual journey.

And speaking of journeys, the UUFP has certainly been on an exciting one over the past few years. Sunday Service attendance is up, which includes new visitors and more children. To ensure that the fellowship continues to meet the needs of its members and friends, the Board of Directors needs input and feedback to ensure that we are making the right decisions and investments to best serve our evolving community. To that end, sometime during the latter part of February, you will be asked to complete a survey. The survey will be anonymous, so the Board asks that you be as candid as possible with your feedback. This is a great opportunity for everyone to help to improve our community.

In closing, I’d like to mention one more item. If you are interested in improving your culinary skills, there will be another “Cooking with Clifford” offered on February 24. The focus of this program will be seafood chowders. The cost will be $20 to attend. Please let Clifford Schulman or I know if you are interested in attending. Or, you may register via email to:

With Gratitude, Linda

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Sunday Service — February 25, 2024

~ Tales from Spirit Wind: Guest Speaker: Darius Puff ~

Mr. Puff, also known as “Silver Fox,” is a retired police chief from Boyertown who has studied history all his life. When he discovered he had an older relative who was a Lenape Native American he began to specialize in Lenape heritage. He has given presentations all around our area. This program will be intergenerational and interactive, so all young people are invited to join us for the service. Mr. Puff has many objects to show and will tell us about them. He will also do the “Story for All Ages.”

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Sunday Service — February 4, 2023

Of Dog Whistles and Fig Leaves: How Modern Racism Hides in Plain Sight ~ Speaker Rev. Kim Wilson

As author Gary Younge has observed, for too long we have pretended that we are a post-racial society, and that racism is “the marginal obsession of the uncouth.” The reality is that “we have simply become more sophisticated about our prejudices. We have plenty of racism, but apparently very few racists.” As UUs committed to antiracism, it’s important that we learn to identify today’s more covert forms of racism and to expose them for what they truly are.

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Sunday Service — February 11, 2024

Is Criminal Justice Just? Changes to Consider ~ Speaker Cheryl Meinshein

I never thought much about criminal justice until I started working with people to receive Governor’s Pardons. I’d like to wonder together about possible changes in order to achieve a fairer, more just system.

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Sunday Service — February 18, 2024

Life Lessons from My Little Pony: Laughter ~ Speaker: Emily Quarles- Mowrer

This is a continuation of a sermon series inspired by our Unitarian Universalist Principles, as viewed through the lens of the cartoon series My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. The six main ponies from the popular kids show each embody different qualities and display different talents. We will examine at our fourth principle, “A free and responsible search for truth and meaning,” while engaging with Pinky Pie’s humor and sense of the absurd.

Our Third Sunday Potluck follows the service. Please bring something tasty to share.

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January 2024 Events

Mon. 1/1 – 1 pm – New Year’s Day Labyrinth
Fri. 1/5 – 12:30 pm – Goddess Gathering
Sun. 1/7 – 10:30 am – Loving Our Enemies
Mon. 1/8 – 12:30 pm – Communications Committee meeting
Mon. 1/8 – 8 pm – Intro. to Mindfulness Meditation
Wed. 1/10 – 7:30 pm – Membership Committee meeting
Sun. 1/14 – 10:30 am – Other Wise People
Mon. 1/15 – 8 pm – Simply Sitting Meditation
Thurs. 1/18 – 7:30 pm – Committee Council meeting
Sat. 1/20 – 9 am – Board meeting
Sun. 1/21 – 10:30 am – Life Lessons from My Little Pony
Sun. 1/21 – noon – UU 101 Class
Mon. 1/22 – 8 pm – Simply Sitting Meditation
Sun. 1/28 – 10:30 am – Defining Enough
Mon. 1/29 – 8 pm – Simply Sitting Meditation

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President’s Message — January 2024

“If the children are our future, then there is no greater way to invest in the future than investing in our children.” ~ Dr. Nirvadha Singh

If you have been to the fellowship lately, it is hard to miss the fact that we have a lot more children of all ages in attendance. While this is very exciting, it also puts a great responsibility on the UUFP to ensure that we are offering a quality Religious Education program to all of the children, regardless of their ages. Last year, we hired Meghan Mickle, who has a Master’s Degree in Education, to manage the nursery. Late last year, it was decided to have Meghan move up to provide RE for the K-5 children, which left an opening for the nursery. I am pleased to announce that Amanda Dill will be joining the UUFP RE team with responsibility for the youngest of our children. Amanda comes to us with a Degree in Childhood Education and is currently working in a pre-school. She will start on January 7. Please welcome Amanda to our UUFP Community.
While Amanda, Meghan, and Ruby Barnthouse, who works with our tweens, create a strong team, they should not have to do it alone. Therefore, we need to revive the RE Committee. This committee will work closely with the educational team to ensure that what is being delivered is consistent with the Principles of Unitarian Universalism and the overall mission of the UUFP. If anyone is interested in volunteering for this committee or is interested in chairing the committee, please let me or another member of the Board know.
If you attended our Christmas Eve inter-generational service, you saw first-hand the important role the children can play in our fellowship. I believe that everyone in attendance found joy in the service. The program was a wonderful way to celebrate the December Holiday season. A lot of time and effort went into putting this program together. Thank you to all who were involved and the work you put forward leading up to the service: The UUFP Choir for their beautiful singing, Carly Schell for all the piano accompaniment, Megan Mickle for working with the children and their songs, Ruby Barnthouse for coordinating the efforts of the tweens, and all the children who were involved during the service. A special shout-out needs to go Kim Kulp who developed and wrote the program. Thank you, Kim!
Wishing everyone health and happiness in the New Year.

In gratude, Linda K.

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Sunday Service — January 7, 2024

Loving Our Enemies • Rev. Kim Wilson

Whether we’re talking on a personal or a group level, some say we have gotten too comfortable these days with seeing the other as hateful. Yet, Jesus spoke wise words when he said that we should love our enemies. Notice that he didn’t say LIKE them. Digging deep to find compassion for even the human beings we like least is difficult, yet this work of the mind, heart and spirit has the power to transform us and our relationship with the “other.” Rev. Kim shares some reflections on this topic based in part on the writings of Martin Luther King, Jr.

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