President’s Message — May 2024

In last month’s column, the feedback from the fellowship survey was presented. As was stated, the feedback from the survey was taken very seriously by the Board of Directors at UUFP and we attempted to incorporate the feedback into the goals that we set for the upcoming fiscal year. These goals help to ensure that the Board makes decisions, including financial decisions, that help us to deliver on our mission: nurturing spiritual journeys, embracing diversity, celebrating community, turning values into action.

The following are the goals that the UUFP Board of Directors have set for the new fiscal year that starts July 1:

  1. Ensure that UUFP remains a viable religious community.
    a. Manage finances responsibly.
    b. Continue to invest in updating our building.
    c. Create long-term plan for major improvements.
    • Roof maintenance
    • Sanctuary ceiling
    • Sanctuary floor
    • Sanctuary wall tiles
    • Replace flooring in other areas (kitchen, entrance, minister’s office, etc.)
  1. Ensure that technologic capabilities continue to support and enhance the entire
    UUFP experience.
    a. Conduct needs assessment of our technologic capabilities. Needs assessment should include input
    from UUFP Committee Chairpersons.
    b. Create a short-term and long-term investment plan.
  1. Deliver Sunday Services that are in alignment with the UU Principles and the
    UUFP Covenant
    a. Increase Worship Committee budget.
    b. Identify speakers whose talks are well received by the fellowship and book them out as often as they are willing to come to our fellowship.
    c. Continue to get feedback on speakers and presentations.
    d. Ensure there is a clear link to UU Principles for every Sunday Service.
  1. Invest in Religious Education
    a. Children’s RE
    • Roof maintenance
    • Hire a Nursery teacher
    • Provide budget for RE teacher
    • RE Committee to work with teachers to develop a Parental Agreement
      b. Continue to build out and fund Adult RE programs.
      c. Continue to build out and fund RE program for teens.
  1. Enhance Community Awareness of UUFP
    a. Continue to hold and advertise events that can include the surrounding community.
    b. Provide budget for communications.
    c. Communications to always include wording that states that we welcome people of
    all races, religions, genders, sexual orientation, etc.

These goals are the next step of our journey, based on our progress towards this year’s goals. At
the upcoming Annual Congregational Meeting (scheduled for Sunday, June 2, after services), we will review our accomplishments for the year as well as vote on the leadership team and budget that will keep us moving forward. Please plan to attend this important meeting.

With Gratitude, Linda

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Sunday Service — May 5, 2024

Celebrate the Interval ~ Guest Speaker: Rev. Kim Wilson

“Life is a brief interval between birth and death,” writes Richard S. Gilbert. And he asks us to consider the question: “What shall we do with that interval of time?” This morning, we explore the wisdom shared by people at the end of life’s interval. What common themes are expressed by those who have the opportunity to look back and reflect on how they spent their lives? What matters most? And what, as it turns out, doesn’t?

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Sunday Service — May 12, 2024

Grand Design: Aging, Alloparenting, and Evolution ~ Guest Speaker: JD Stillwater

What evolutionary purpose is served by living so long after our reproductive years are done? This service explores the spiritual and social fertility of every life stage in a beloved community, an inclusive fertility especially enhanced in our later years. Not likely to be a grandparent himself, JD Stillwater takes the opportunity to scrutinize the grandparenting role, with an eye towards broadening and deepening its power and promise for every life stage and relationship.

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Sunday Service — May 19, 2024

Life Lessons from My Little Pony ~ Speaker: Emily Quarles-Mowrer

This is the next installment of a sermon series inspired by our Unitarian Universalist Principles, as viewed through the lens of the cartoon series My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. The six main ponies from the popular kids show each embody different qualities and display different talents. We will explore our second principle, “Justice, equity and compassion in human relations,” with the help of Fluttershy’s patience and kindness.

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Sunday Service — May 26, 2024

UU Games! ~ Speaker: Miranda Van Horn

This will be a special event. Join us in the sanctuary where we’ll combine our usual Sunday Service and Coffee Hour into one hour of UU fun remembering famous Unitarians, Universalists, and Unitarian Universalists. We’ll play the ever-popular game, Name that UU, and a brand new game, “What Did UUs Do?” You’ll learn about some extremely innovative, inventive, gifted, and just plain quirky UUs who did some amazing things that we bet you didn’t know. Join us for the UU games with coffee, tea, and celebratory refreshments!

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President’s Message — April 2024

“Receiving feedback. does not mean that I am the worst person that ever lived. It only means that someone cares enough to tell me how to improve.” ~ Joseph Folkman

The Board of Directors of the UUFP asked members and friends to complete a brief survey to help us think about what areas to focus on as we continue to strategize about how keep our fellowship thriving. I want to thank everyone (all 27 of you) who filled out a survey. The written feedback was especially helpful in determining what action steps to take. I want to share the top line results. Please keep in mind that the Board used this to assess the feelings of the entire congregation. While the congregation is made up individuals, each with unique perspectives and points of view, the board needed to step back and look at the overall input and trends. That does not mean that any negative feedback is disregarded. We will use this feedback as a filter to ask ourselves how to be more improve on a specific topic.

As a reminder, people we asked to score the following statements with Strongly Agree, Agree, Neither Agree or Disagree, Disagree and Strongly Disagree:

  • I feel a sense of belonging at UUFP
  • I feel like I have a voice at UUFP
  • I feel that I can be my true self at UUFP
  • I feel appreciated at UUFP
  • I have confidence in the governing structure of UUFP

Approximately 80-85 percent of respondents scored Strongly Agree or Agree for all statements. However, there were individuals who responded with Strongly Disagree or Disagree for all statements. These scores, along with the written feedback, enabled the board to identity the following areas to focus on:

  • Create more opportunities to express and demonstrate appreciation.
  • “Building Bridges” across the gaps that are created by each of us being our own unique person. Often our differences create strong divides. We as a fellowship can learn to bridge those gaps while remaining unique ourselves.
  • Strong desire to have more alignment with the UUA and UU principles (including hosting/participating more community and social action events).
  • Continue with the evolution of the UUFP as it relates to adding new members, strengthening our CYRE and doing more Adult RE programming.
  • Add new members to the Board (please let us know if you have interest).

Thank you to all who responded. Thank you for caring enough about UUFP to provide the feedback. Please keep the input coming–don’t wait for a formal survey. If you have any suggestions, please discuss them with a member of the Board.

“Be the change you want to see.”

With Gratitude, Linda

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Sunday Service — April 7, 2024

Compassionate Listening. Guest Speaker: Rev. Kim Wilson

Compassionate listening is a way of being with others that can empower us to transform conflict and create peace and healing. It includes a commitment to listen and speak from the heart. We will be introduced to the work of the Compassionate Listening Project, which cultivates practices that bring people together across differences. Following the service, we’re invited to join Rev. Kim during coffee hour, when she will lead us in an experiential workshop on Compassionate Listening and Communication.

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Sunday Service — April 14, 2024

Healing. Guest Speaker: Janet Hoffman

Healing is a journey. Many different modalities are used in this journey. One key component is the use of Energy. This energy is called different with each system: Chi/Qi in Chinese medicine, Prana in yoga, the Divine Energy in Reiki. This talk will focus on Shiatsu which follows the principles of Acupuncture and Reiki, and works with the chakra system. Once energy is balanced and moving freely, the body is capable of healing itself.

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Sunday Service — April 21, 2024

Life Lessons From My Little Pony: Honesty. Speaker: Emily Quarles-Mowrer

This is the fourth installment of a sermon series inspired by our Unitarian Universalist Principles, as viewed through the lens of the cartoon series My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

The six main ponies from the popular kids show each embody different qualities and display different talents. Applejack’s honesty and strength will inspire us as we tackle our fifth principle, “The right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large.”

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Sunday Service — April 28, 2024

Beltane and Beyond. Guest Speaker: Diane Awenydd Evans

Diane is a third degree Initiate of the Assembly of the Sacred Wheel and the High Priestess of the Weavers of the Moonfire, a Wiccan Coven of the Assembly. Her favorite part of being Clergy is officiating at Weddings and Handfastings. Today, Diane will present a service that explores our ideas on Faith, where we find it and how we practice it.

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