Sunday Service — August 11, 2024

Connecting With Nature: An All-Ages Services ~ Presented by Flames & Embers Classes

Our youth RE students will be presenting a service on the beauty and wonders to be found in our own Fellowship backyard. Join us as they share their findings from an exploration into native plants and animals, and their insights on their own connection with nature.

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Sunday Service — August 18, 2024

The Things We Carry ~~ Speaker: Emily Quarles-Mowrer

The calendar says we still have months to go before New Year’s Day, but as the summer winds down, we are beginning to look forward to the new beginnings held in a new school year. Join us as we think about the milestones that are approaching and as we share our hopes for the fall. In celebration of the new school year, we will have a blessing of the backpacks at the beginning of the service. Anyone at any age may bring in a backpack, bag, purse, or briefcase to receive a helping of good wishes for the coming year.

Our Third Sunday Potluck follows the service. Please bring something tasty to share. Please also feel free to bring a gift of new school supplies. We will be donating the supplies to Cradles to Crayons at the Spring Valley YMCA in Royersford.

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Sunday Service — August 25, 2024

Complimentarity: Quantum Physics and the End of Dogma ~ Guest Speaker: JD Stillwater

Do you despise the question “What do you believe?” JD gets real about his own personal beliefs, and discovers a scientific approach towards a New Agnosticism, one that fully embraces the mysteries and ambiguities inherent in natural reality. Along the way we meet a cryptic cat, a famous psychic, a woman with a problem, and a religious organization for non-theists. The exclamation “Poppycock!” also makes a cameo appearance.

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President’s Message — July 2024

As was discussed at this month’s Annual Congregational Meeting, it seems safe to say that not only has the UUFP survived the havoc that was caused by COVID, but it seems that we are starting to thrive in the aftermath.

Membership is up, Sunday Service attendance is up, and we finished last year with some financial growth. We are moving forward, and we need to keep that momentum up. But, the Board of Directors cannot do it alone. We need your help. Many of you know that I spent my career in sales and sales-related fields, so I am not shy about asking for things. So here is my ask for you:

  • Do your part to spread the word about UUFP. When asked “How was your weekend?”, if appropriate, share about the interesting service you heard on Sunday. You never know who might also find this interesting.
  • Spread the word about renting our facility. If anyone you know is looking to hold a party, wedding, celebration, or even a book club, let them know about our facilities. A quick update on one of our current renters, New Earth Traditions. They will be increasing the number of days that they are renting from two to three days per week. In addition, they will be starting an early childhood program and will now be utilizing our nursery. They will be donating their time and materials to redecorate that room. They will be working closely with Valery Murdock, chair of the CYRE committee, and RE teacher Meghan Mickle.
  • Think of creative ideas for fundraising. Part of our financial growth this year was income generated by programs created by our members. Thanks go out to Clifford Schulman for holding three cooking sessions that were very successful, and very tasty. Thanks also go out to Monica Buckley for holding creative craft sessions and donating a portion of the proceeds to UUFP.
  • If you shop at Giant, please purchase a Giant card through us. We raised over $1,000 just by having people purchase a Giant card and do their routine shopping at a Giant store they are already patronizing. This is easy money for us.
  • Commit to interacting with each other in alignment with the UUFP Covenant. While growth and change are exciting, they can also produce stressful situations. We can minimize that stress and reduce the chance of having misunderstandings between people if we adhere to our Covenant.

WithGratitude, Linda

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Sunday Service — July 7, 2024

Guest Speaker: Diane Trieb ~ The Power of Prayer

In her book Help, Thanks, Wow: The Three Essential Prayers, author Anne Lamott says prayer is private communication from the Heart… to the Good that is beyond our comprehension. Today we will discuss keeping prayers simple: Help. Thanks. Wow.

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Sunday Service — July 14, 2024

Speaker: Lisa Jokiel ~ Hard-Wired for Music

Lisa will share information from the most recent studies on the brain’s response to music. Her question for everyone: Is it really a response or is it something inside us trying frantically to get out?

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Sunday Service — July 21, 2024

Speaker: Emily Quarles-Mowrer ~ What’s So Funny About Peace, Love and Understanding?

When we look at the inequality in our own cities and towns, or when we listen to stories of injustice on the news, we may not feel as if there is very much to laugh about. On the other hand, how many of us follow The Daily Show or Last Week Tonight for at least some of our news content? From All in the Family to Modern Family, join us as we think about the ways that comedy opens us up to see the humanity in the people around us.

Our Third Sunday Potluck follows the service. Please bring something tasty to share.

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Sunday Service — July 28, 2024

Guest Speaker: Diane Awenydd-Evans ~ Truth In the Service of Peace

Are there moments when telling the truth risks everything? What are we willing to pay for peace? Diane is a third-degree Initiate of the Assembly of the Sacred Wheel (ASW) and the High Priestess of the Weavers of the Moonfire, a member Coven of the ASW.

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President’s Message — June 2024

As we close out this fiscal year, it is safe to say that this has been a successful year for UUFP. This success is due solely to the commitment and actions of our members and friends. Over the past few weeks, there are some efforts that need to be recognized.

First, the Membership Committee has worked overtime conducting numerous UU 101 and 102 classes to meet the need of individuals who have expressed interest in membership. Previously, UUFP held only one session of each class per year. I think Miranda Van Horn and Kay Price have held at least three. Thank you.

Second, the newly formed Children & Youth Religious Education (CYRE) Committee, led by Valery Murdock, worked with our RE teachers to create a UUFP Parent-Teacher Covenant. This document helps to clearly outline expectations of teachers, parents, and children during Sunday services. With the increasing number of children attending on Sundays, it is important that there is a clear understanding of the commitment that UUFP has to the children and parents and vice versa. Thank you, CYRE Committee, for putting this important document together.

Lastly, I would like to thank Rev. Kim Wilson for her commitment to UUFP as a guest speaker over the past few years. Another ministerial opportunity presented itself which, unfortunately, means that she will no longer be available to conduct Sunday Services for UUFP. She has been an inspiring and calming presence to the UUFP community. While we will miss her, and we wish her well in her new endeavors. Thank you, Kim, for all that you have done for us.

I know that many more people demonstrated commitment to our fellowship over the past month. Please know that your actions are appreciated.

With Gratitude, Linda

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Sunday Service, June 2, 2024

When Transformation Means Letting Go ~ Guest Speaker: Rev. Kim Wilson

“We seldom become all of who we are until forced to it,” observes Mark Nepo. Sometimes we hold onto things: jobs, relationships, habits, beliefs and more, not realizing that these things that we cling to are also the very things keeping us from going deeper into life, from becoming our full, authentic selves. How do we know when it’s time to let go? And where do we find the courage for venturing into the unknown?

Please join us after today’s service to thank Rev. Wilson for her many services with us over the years. We will miss our time with her. There will be special refreshments for the occasion.

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