From the Ministers Desk — August 2020

Dear Ones,

How goes it with you? No really, how goes it with you? How goes it with your soul? The pandemic wears on, the election draws near, the air is filled with hope and anxiety on all fronts. You may feel alone and isolated, but you are on our minds – the ministers, the leaders, your fellow members and friends of UUFP.

One of my favorite hymns is #126, a UU take on “Come thou font of every blessing.” The line that comes to mind is: “When we all serve one another, then our heaven is begun.”

But how can we best serve each other? It looks as if we will be open but virtual for the long haul. That means that our face to face connections must be via technology, one way or another. Our Wednesday Vespers have been lovely, but with a tiny group of people (the recorded services are also avail- able on the website). Rick Duske (St. Rick of the Tech) is working with the worship committee to bring some form of Sunday services to you, hopefully from our sanctuary. But this will work only if you participate. Linda K. has written urging you to avail yourself of UUFP tech support to be able to connect. It’s not hard, it’s not wildly expensive. Help is available. We can serve one another.

Just recently the nation lost John Lewis, one of the last great heroes of the Civil Rights era. Historian John Meacham said that Lewis believed that if enough of us banded  together, we could bring about the Kingdom of God – or the Kindom, if you prefer, or the Great Human Project for Justice, Equity and Compassion. Strengthening your ties to UUFP is one first step towards that banding together.  As we serve one another we become stronger for the commitment to the great work of democracy.

As always, your ministers are available to listen, to care, to hold your virtual hand; if you want to discuss, make suggestions, pray, pose questions, muse, complain, rail at the universe (or God; she’s tough and can take it), or just to chat.

Blessings, Kerry

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