President’s Message, January 2023

“What the New Year brings to you will depend a great deal on what you bring to the new year.” ~ Vern McLellan
The New Year usually brings a time of reflection about the year that just ended and the year that is just beginning. There were many things to be grateful for as we closed out 2022. Thanks to Monica Buckley and her merry band of elves (of all ages), there was a very successful craft ornament making day. The creations were proudly displayed in the fellowship on our two trees. And thanks to all who participated in decorating the trees. I also want to thank Miranda Van Horn for coordinating our Christmas Eve service and volunteering as choir director. And speaking of music, a great big thank you goes to our pianist, Carly Schell. It is great to see that people stay after the service to hear her beautiful closing music. She and her music are quite an asset to our Sunday Services.

It is also important to note that the success of the UUFP over the past year is due to the efforts of, well……, everyone. I realize that I tend to thank individuals who lead or accomplish unique things, however, it is the people behind the scenes that really keep the fellowship going. So, thanks to all who served as greeters for Sunday Services, brought food for coffee hour and potluck, washed the dishes and cleaned the kitchen after coffee hour, collected and took out the trash and recycling to the curb on Sundays (and brought the cans back on Mondays), drove individuals in need of rides, and did other random acts of kindness that kept our fellowship functioning and feeling like a family. While these tasks might not be glamorous, they are necessary and your efforts are greatly appreciated.

As we start 2023, there are two items that we will hopefully address quickly. The first is that we hope to fill the nursery/childcare position very soon. All candidates are being vetted by the “Mom Interview Team” comprised of Monica Buckley, Kim Kulp and Sue Merkel. Keep your fingers crossed that we find someone soon. The second item is that we need to obtain a new sign for the front lawn of our fellowship. Someone hit the pole on the corner of the property and it fell and destroyed our sign. We are filing a claim with our insurance so hopefully we will get some financial support to offset the cost of the replacement.

I close by putting out a request. If anyone is thinking that they would like to do just a little bit more for the fellowship, please think about joining a committee or maybe becoming a member of the board. New committee and board members are always appreciated because they bring fresh ideas and diverse perspectives. If you have any questions or want to discuss what it might entail, please reach out to the respective Committee Chair or me.

Wishing you all health and happiness for the New Year.
In gratitude,

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