The President’s Message — November 2021

“‘Thank you’ is the best prayer that anyone could say. I say that one a lot. Thank you expresses extreme gratitude, humility, understanding.” ~ Alice Walker

It is hard to believe that November, the month with a day set aside for giving thanks, is upon us. As always, there are numerous things to be thankful for within the fellowship. Topping the “Gratitude List” is the fact that we are once again holding Sunday Services indoors. I hope that people understand that this was not as simple as just unlocking the front door. A lot of work went on behind the scenes to make this happen. Thanks go out to the Worship Committee for lining up interesting speakers who can also work with technology, the Technology Committee for continuing to evolve our multi-channel approach for delivering Sunday services, the Kitchen Committee for modifying how we conduct Coffee Hour so that it can be held outdoors, and the Buildings and Ground Committee as well as the Aesthetics Committee who readied the sanctuary and building to be inhabited. It does take a village to hold an indoor service.

November also marks the month when Religious Education for children will return. Once again, Ruby Barnthouse is volunteering to serve as the RE teacher. I do want to inform everyone that the Board of Directors has decided to hire a fulltime RE teacher just as soon as our finances indicate we can afford it. Ruby has done an outstanding job, however, she should have the opportunity to participate in Sunday Services. Hiring a teacher to fill that role would allow that. In the interim, if there is anyone who would like to help Ruby out by occasionally covering RE, please let Ruby or a board member know. Also, if you happen to know any teacher or a college student pursuing an Education Degree that might be interested in this opportunity, please let a board member know.

It is also important to note that we will no longer have nursery coverage. Currently, the children who have been in attendance are old enough to be in RE. If a guest shows up with a small child, we do have a list of individuals with background clearances who are willing to volunteer to mind that child. If we start to see that consistent nursery coverage is required, the Board will consider hiring someone.

In closing, I will leave you with a quote from one of my favorite philosophers – Charley Brown: “What if today, we were just grateful for everything.”

In gratitude, Linda

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