President’s Message, May 2019

The May Board meeting is always a busy one and one that often stretches longer than usual into the afternoon. Our agenda will include putting together a budget proposal and a roster of officers for 2019-20 to submit for approval at the Annual Congregational meeting. (Scheduled for Sunday, June 16th) Each year we must put together a budget based on the total amount pledged by members and friends during the pledge drive. We are getting closer to our pledge goal. We would like to be able to cover the amounts that committee chairs have asked for in order to continue our general ministry and fellowship at UUFP. 

Whether we can fulfill our goals depends on a healthy drive. If you haven’t submitted your pledge form, please consider the objectives you’d like us to achieve this coming year, whether that’s a Summer RE program and enhanced RE offerings during the rest of the year, enhanced security technology, supporting Ministry and adult programs, or simply supporting the maintenance of the building and grounds, and make a pledge. Linda P., our Treasurer, has extra forms if you have misplaced yours. 

Besides making sure that Board positions are filled, the Board is tasked this year with finding a Membership Committee Chair since Kay P. is stepping down from that position after a number of years of able and excellent service in that capacity. This is an important job at UUFP and vital to our continued growth. But the job description of a new chair might not look exactly like the one that Kay has fulfilled these last few years; we at UUFP are known to tinker with job descriptions to fit them with the availabilities of the candidates. I look back fondly on my years as Membership Chair; I thoroughly enjoyed doing the things it took to make ours a welcoming community. If you think you might like to be Membership Chair and would like information about the position, please come to see me, call, or email me. 

Lastly, I want to be sure you’re aware that on May 11th from 9:30am to 1:30pm, the Building & Grounds Committee is calling for all who are willing and able to help at our annual Spring Clean- Up Day. We’ve got lots to do. We’re ready for cleaners and weeders, mowers and rakers. And a project that lots of people won’t be able to resist will be helping to spruce up the children’s outside play area. See UUFP Friend Sue Merkel‘s Playground Plan on page six of this Newsletter. 

Pledge, volunteer, and have fun! 


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