President’s Message, February 2019

Soto Zen priest Les Kaye, wrote, “the pull toward spiritual practice
always comes, on some level, from a sense that universal love is natural, that it can – should be — lived and expressed.” During January
we took a special collection to support the Pottstown Area Cluster of Religious Communities – usually referred to in these parts as “the Cluster.” Throughout the year, we collect food stuffs and clothing for in-kind donations to the Cluster (Check out the big basket in the foyer!) and grow and donate organic vegetables during the summer to the Cluster as well as to other charitable organizations.
We’re grateful for the opportunity to live and express our love for and connectedness with our neighbors – especially those who are in need. The Cluster provides food services and meal programs, support and referral services, housing services, and works with potential employers to help them understand the struggles that poverty imposes. Our new liaison to the Cluster is Cyndi Buell-Hall. We’re grateful for her willingness to take on this important job and look forward to learning from her how we can continue to support this vital organization. Thanks, Cyndi!
February will mark the beginning of our pledge drive for the 2019-2020 church year. The Board and Committee Chairs will consider their program and project plans for the year on which to base a budget draft. If you have a project idea in mind, please share it with a Board or Committee member.
Grateful for your service and fellowship,

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