From the Minister’s Desk
Faith and Renewal 
As Easter approaches I am reminded that like Jesus many of us have been wounded by life, suffered for our misdeeds as well as our good deeds, hurt by each other and life, all part of the fragile human condition. Each of us in our own way are part of a vast army of the “walking wounded”; hurt to the core of our being; perhaps stumbling in an emotional haze of pain. We struggle how to define ourselves and give meaning to so much loss and sorrow. We are challenged to stretch, to grow to understand who we are and to find ways to move beyond our pain and loss. We must ask ourselves, can we find the good out of all the bad?
I think the answer is a hesitant yes, because our lessons in suffering and humility have given us empathy for another plight. Our souls bear the battle scars of our struggle to be more loving, less separated, more connected and compassionate as we seek the holy in our daily lives. As Jesus did before us, he modeled what it meant to be the “wounded healer”. Can we, who walk in his shadow, live a life of conviction and dedication to the good in each other? Can we, despite our own demons and doubts, become more like him? Can we serve as that wounded healer and offer wholeness out of our own fragmented lives?
I believe we can! Herein lies the truth…it is only through our own loss that we can truly understand and heal others in need. It is in this spiritual reaching out, heart to heart, soul-to-soul that we become whole ourselves. This is the grandeur of Easter. Jesus’ death and resurrection, his suffering and redemption leads us to the renewal of our own lives. This new birth of hope arising out of his sacrifice blazed a new path to begin again with love and compassion to find real meaning in our life.
Yours in Our Shared Ministry,
Rev. Paul