Simply Sitting Meditation


Meditation Moment
Inner Peace:
As in the ocean’s midmost depth no wave is born, but all is still,
so let the practitioners be still, be motionless, and nowhere should they swell.
— from the Sutta-Nipata

Simply Sitting meditation practice has resumed virtually on Mondays at 7:30! To join us for our weekly Zoom sessions of Buddhist readings and silent sitting, contact Visitors are always welcome. Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation is offered on the first Monday of each Month. Visitors are always welcome.

Meditation Moment
Where to begin?

The microbes, the fungi, the seeds; the soil, the sun, the rain; the planters and sowers, the weeders and tenders; the reapers; the carriers, the washers, the buyers and sellers; the preparers, the servers; the good company, the clearers off, cleaners up, and putters away; the dishes and their washers; the composters; the sweepers; the turners out of the lights; … and the lockers of the doors….Amen
— Miranda Van Horn

Meditation Moment

Spiritually speaking, everything that one wants, aspires to, and needs is ever present, accessible here and now — for those with eyes to see. It’s the old adage all over again; you don’t need to see different things. You need to see things differently. -Lama Surya Das

“Part of understanding the notion of Justice is to recognize the disproportions among which we live… it takes an awful lot of living with the powerless to really understand what it is like to be powerless, to have your voice, thoughts, ideas and concerns count for very little. We, who have been given much, whose voices can be heard, have a great duty and responsibility to make our voices heard with absolute integrity for those who are powerless.”
-“Anam Cara” John O’Donohue

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  1. Pingback: Simply Sitting: Mindfulness Meditation | Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Pottstown

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