Fall Cleanup Bash! Saturday, October 7

Save the date for our Annual Fall Cleanup on Saturday, October 7th, 9:30 am-1:00 pm. Join with other members and friends to spiff up our UUFP property and prepare for the season ahead. There is lots of mowing, weeding, weed whacking, leaf raking, and shredding to tackle, along with various other outdoor tasks.

Please bring a bag lunch and a beverage.

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Social Justice

Join UUs for Just Economic Community, UUs for Social Justice, Side with Love, and UU Ministry for Earth in Washington D.C. September 26–28 to learn about our food and farming system and advocate with our Senators for an equitable and climate-smart 2023 Farm Bill.

Every five years, Congress proposes a multiyear farm bill legislative package. We need your voice to join a growing coalition to support sustainable, regenerative, and equitable farm policies. We can not concede to the normal corporate agri-businesses to dominate the conversation. Farm bills address many issues UUs care about including food quality and food chain security, soil and water contamination, food deserts, equity for small-scale producers, conservation, research, crop insurance, and nutrition programs. The Farm Bill presents an important opportunity to create an agricultural sector that serves the needs of consumers and farmers in a way that is fair to all, protects the environment, and helps avoid a climate crisis. For more information, go to https://uujec.net/climatejusticeconference2023

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Religious Education

Welcome fall, and welcome to a new year of Religious Education! We would like to invite all UUFP members to become involved in our Religious Education (RE) program this year. Every person’s life is nourished by the love and support we receive in community. It is a real privilege to be given the opportunity to help guide our young people as they grow spiritually, develop their sense of personal and social responsibility, and take joy in our engaging programs.

There are many ways to be involved. 1) Each Sunday before RE classes, the entire UUFP community worships together for a short 3-5 minute lesson. Time for All Ages can range from meaningful songs, dances, and theatrical lessons to read-aloud books and conversational lessons. 2) Conduct a multigenerational service or activity where people of all generations are engaged in mutual activities (e.g., Children’s Labyrinth Walk, Christmas Eve service, Creative Spirits service). 3) Teach a class. We typically have three separate groups: The Rainbow Room (infant to pre-school), RE (our elementary school learners), and Discussion and Doughnuts (a.k.a., D&D to our middle school kids). The age-appropriate lesson is chosen by that week’s teacher.

All teachers have current clearances on file. If there is interest but trepidation, we would be happy to schedule a teacher training. If inspiration is needed, it can be found on the Unitarian Universalist Association’s (UUA) Worship Web Library (www.uua.org/worship) or Curricula & Faith Development Library (www.uua.org/re). Please contact Director of Religious Education Ruby Barnthouse at RE@uupottstown.org for more information.

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President’s Message — September 2023

The tans will fade but the memories will last forever. ~ Anonymous

While summer doesn’t technically end until the autumnal equinox in late September, Labor Day has always been the symbolic end to the summer. And what a summer we have had at the UUFP. The Worship Committee needs to be congratulated for scheduling some very dynamic speakers during what is usually a very slow time. In addition to some fantastic services led by our own members, we had some very provocative presentations by guest speakers. People are still talking about J.D Stillwater’s presentation on “Defiant Love: Interrogating our Inheritance” and Diane Trieb’s service entitled “The Stray Cat. To Feed or Not to Feed – That Is the Question.” If you missed these services (or any other), remember that we record each service and post it on to our YouTube channel. While it’s not the same as being there in person, it is a great option for viewing (or watching again) our services because you can do it at your leisure. Thanks also go out to the Sunday Technology crew who make this happen. One additional note regarding Sunday Services is that Rev. Kim Wilson will be returning this month as the “First Sunday of the Month” presenter.

Our garden was very bountiful this summer hence a lot of produce was donated to the Pottstown Cluster. Unfortunately, word got out about how delicious our crops were, and a groundhog decided that our vegetable plot was his personal Farmer’s Market. The Garden Committee declared war (humanely) and the battle went on all summer. Not sure who’s winning; however, I feel our Garden Committee is far more frustrated with trying to keep the groundhog out than the groundhog is feeling about getting back in. The joys of nature.

One additional item is that our long-term rental, New Earth Traditions, will start up with classes again this month. They utilize our space on Wednesdays, so please keep that in mind if you need to be at the fellowship on a Wednesday.

Lastly, putting together and distributing the Sojourner to members and friends takes a lot of time and effort. For years, the women behind the scenes doing all this work were Erica Duske and Kay Price. This month marks a change in that line-up. While Erica will continue in this role, Kay Price will be stepping down. I want to take this opportunity to thank Kay for all her work in this capacity. It is greatly appreciated. Taking her place will be Kim Kulp. Welcome Kim!

With Gratitude, Linda K.

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Sunday Service — September 17, 2023

Spotless Minds

Speaker: Emily Quarles-Mowrer

In the beautiful book, “The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse” by Charlie Mackesy, one of the thoughts the boy shares is, “I wonder if there is a school of unlearning.”  Wouldn’t it be lovely, if there were a place where we could go to roll back the lessons that we never meant to internalize?

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Sunday Service — September 24, 2023


Guest Speaker: Cheryl Meinschein

Today we welcome back Cheryl Meinschein, who describes herself as “a retired Lutheran pastor with a Jewish mother and a Lutheran father, a Jersey girl married to a Pennsylvania Dutchman.” Her academic background includes a BA in Biology/Secondary Education, a Master’s of Divinity, and most recently a certificate in Paralegal studies. She feels that questions are often more interesting than answers.

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Sunday Service — September 3, 2023

The Renewal of Vision: Reflections on Yom Kippur

Guest Speaker: Reverend Kim Wilson

In Jewish tradition, there’s a phrase in the Rosh Hashanah liturgy: “Who shall live and who shall die?” This question reflects the uncertainty of life. One of the many paradoxes of our human lives is the juxtaposition of the uncertainty of life alongside the opportunity for renewal. Life is always uncertain and, at any given moment, we also have the opportunity to renew the life we have. Given that we have a limited time in this world, how do we want to be living?

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Sunday Service — September 10, 2023

What Is or Isn’t New with You?

The Sunday Service Committee and You.

Today we celebrate the Annual Water Communion, which serves as a reminder that all are welcome to our space. Please feel free to bring a small container of water representing what has been going on in your life during the past year and say a few words about it. Neither the water nor the words are necessary, but they are most welcome. The Water Communion will not be recorded because of the personal material people may want to share.

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Presidents Message August 2023

“Imagine the possibilities!”
~Ralph Marston.

The first month of our new fiscal year has brought forth many possibilities not only for us but also for the greater UU. So first, let’s talk about the larger UU community. The UUA General Assembly was held in June and many things were accomplished not the least of which was the election of Rev. Dr. Sofia Betancort as the president of the UUA. She is the first woman of color and first out queer person elected as the Association’s president. The child of immigrants from Panamá and Chile, and the grandchild of a seventh-generation Unitarian, Rev. Dr. Betancourt begins her six-year tenure on July 10. She holds a Ph.D. in Religious Ethics and African American Studies from Yale University and an M.Div. from Starr King School for the Ministry. It will be exciting to see what she brings forward as our new leader.

In addition to electing a new president, delegates voted to move forward with a process to discuss further proposed changes to Article II of the UUA bylaws, the section that includes the Principles, Purposes, and Sources. Since Unitarian Universalism is a “Living Tradition”, the UUA By-laws call for a review of Article II every 15 years in order to stay relevant with the times. The review started in 2020 and with the positive vote this year at GA, if the changes pass again at next year’s GA, they will be adopted. It is important to understand what is being proposed so rather than go through it in this column, I would like to ask everyone to get back to me on how you would like to learn about these changes. We can certainly do a Sunday Service on them or maybe a Town Hall Meeting to discuss. Please get back to me as to how you would like to proceed. In the interim, you can learn more about this and other things that happened at the General Assembly at UUA.org or UUWorld.org. These changes are important and the possibilities on how we bring them to life are endless for our little UUFP community.

And speaking of our UUFP community, opportunities continue to present themselves that offer further possibilities of becoming involved in our community. There is an increase in people interested in renting our facility. Thank you to all of you who have shared our information with friends and family members who are looking for a location to host an event. Remember, not only is our social hall and sanctuary available for rent, but so is our kitchen. Thank you to Kay for working with the Chester County Health Department to ensure that our kitchen remains certified and a very special shout out to Cliff S. for cleaning out and organizing our kitchen. That was no small task. The kitchen looks so good that maybe we need to look for someone to teach cooking classes (or maybe we already have someone…stay tuned for further details).

The final bit of news that I will share is that we did hire a new cleaner who will clean our fellowship every Friday. Thank you to Mary R. for serving as interim cleaner. While it is certainly not a glamourous job, it is a very necessary one. Your work is appreciated.

With Gratitude,

Linda K.

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Sunday Service, August 27, 2023

More on Jimmy Carter’s Conservationism.
Lay Speaker: Lisa Jokiel.

Since her program on April 30, 2023, The Conservationism of Jimmy Carter, Lisa found more interesting information about Jimmy Carter. Today’s program will include additions to the earlier material and will be open to group discussion.

Coffee Hour follows the Service

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