Sunday Services at 10:30 AM
April 2016
Sunday, April 3
The Combination Spaghetti Pot & Clam Steamer
Guest Speaker : The Reverend David Hunter
Today we welcome back Rev. David Hunter, who first visited us on December 6th, 2015. His sermon reflects on a 1981 New Yorker cartoon – Man sitting in front of TV: “How much would you pay for the secrets of the universe? Wait, don’t answer yet. You also get this 6-quart covered combination spaghetti pot and clam steamer. Now how much would you pay?”
Sunday, April 10
The Banned Bible
Guest Speaker: Jennifer L. Koosed, Professor of Religious Studies at Albright University
Lay Leader: Allan Pallay
In the early years of Christianity, hundreds of gospels, letters, acts of the apostles, and apocalypses were written and yet only 27 are collected together in what we now call the New Testament. The New Testament, then, represents only a small segment of these early forms of Christianity. What was left out? What do these other stories say about Jesus and the early movement around him? As diverse as Christianity is today, it was even more so in the
first few centuries and these “banned” books give us insight into how these other Christians thought and what they believed.
Sunday, April 17
A Drunken Wager, Changing and Changeless
Rev Paul D. Daniel
This sermon is about Job set in a modern setting. God and Satan are sharing some drink after a hard week. As men sometimes do they get to bragging about how powerful they are. Next thing you know Satan bets God that if tested, Job, God’s most loyal believer, would curse God. The following takes off from there…
Third Sunday Potluck will follow the service.
Sunday, April 24
The Words of Capek
Speaker: Emily Quarles-Mowrer
We know Norbert Capek as the originator of the flower communion, but did you know that he served Baptist Churches in Manhattan and Newark, NJ? Did you know that the RE program was what led him to join the Unitarian Church in Orange, NJ? Join us as we take a look at Capek’s life and writings before the World War that ended his life.
March 2016 
Sunday, March 6, 2016
A Drunken Wager, Changing and Changeless
Rev Paul D. Daniel
The book of Job, in my mind, is one of the most important stories of the Old Testament. I will explore what it might mean to us in the 21st century; in how we think of God, the ground of all being, the holy.
Sunday, March 13, 2016
Aaron Rodgers, Tim Tebow & God in the NFL
Speaker: Mary Ryan
If you’re a football fan, you know that a lot of players point at the sky, kneel and pray or otherwise celebrate a good play with a very visible display of their Christianity. If you’re not a football fan, don’t worry, this talk is just using football as an example of what is going on off the field in American life these days, especially politics. Hopefully, there will be time for discussion afterward.
Sunday, March 20, 2016
Easter Flower Communion
Rev Paul D. Daniel
We will celebrate a rebirth, a resurrection of hope and renewal as we enter the joy of spring with flowers. Please bring flowers to share as we create a community bouquet. Remember you will be invited to take home a different flower than the one you brought.
Third Sunday Potluck will follow the service.
Sunday, March 27, 2016
Thoughts on a Theme of Transformation
Speaker: Jennifer Gittings-Dalton
In some ways, we all need to be transformed. We are often in the grip of behaviors that need to be outgrown to become more healthy and whole individuals, and to build a more just society. But how do we find renewal in such a difficult world? I think the unfolding power of spring, celebrated for millennia by our ancestors, and the solemn festivals of Easter and Passover, offer hints about the process of transformation.
February 2016
Sunday, February 7, 2016
The Geological Story of Southeastern Pennsylvania
Guest Speaker: Edward Simpson Lay Leader: Allan Pallay
Edward Simpson is the Chair of the Dept. of Physical Sciences, Kutztown University; and a Fellow of the Geological Society of America
This morning we will go on an incredible journey. We start 1.2 billion years ago and follow the amazing geological events that lead to the landscape of our region. Our guide will be Edward Simpson, a geology professor at Kutztown University. Perhaps this journey will enhance our sense of connection with the land, help us appreciate the power and majesty of nature and understand our place in the much larger scheme of things.
Sunday, February 14, 2016
Valentine Love Never Lost
Speaker: Reverend Paul
Valentine’s Day comes once a year but love in its many forms is eternal. I will examine the mix of love and sex.
Sunday, February 21, 2016
Buddha, Awake and Alive
Speaker: Reverend Paul
The Buddha and Jesus are separated by centuries but not in outlook on life and theology. I will examine the road to peace.
Please join us for our Third Sunday Potluck which will follow the service.
Sunday, February 28, 2016
Islam & Interfaith Dialogue
Guest Speaker: Elsayed Elmarzouky Lay Leader: Lisa Jokiel
Today we welcome the President of the Islamic Center of Reading, Elsayed Elmarzouky, who fortunately allows us to call him “Steve.” Steve will talk with us about Islam in today’s world and about Interfaith Dialogue. Many of you already know Steve as the owner of the Queen City Diner of Reading. Steve will be joined by his nephew of the same name(s)!
Sunday, January 3, 2016
Our Blue Boat Home Needs Help
Speaker: Lisa Jokeil
Today will conclude our look at the Encyclical of Pope Francis, entitled Laudato Si: On Care of Our Common Home. In this magnificent document, Pope Francis explores the situation of the planet being overburdened by careless use, and exhorts us all to care for Her. He carefully draws connections from poverty for many to the wasteful living of a few, and from the importance of the tiniest algae to the diversity and complexity of the living world. If you have time, glance at it online before the service.
Sunday, January 10, 2016
Embracing Darwin: A New Spiritual Perspective
Speaker: Allan Windle Lay Leader: Allan Pallay
Many people see the theory of evolution as being in conflict with or unrelated to their spiritual life. Our speaker today will present a perspective on how evolution and spirituality can actually be mutually reinforcing; on how evolution can be a gateway into new or renewed spiritual practices. Come this Sunday and hear his interesting perspective.
Sunday, January 17, 2016
A Dynamic and Vital Tension
Rev Paul D. Daniel
Our seven Principles are as close to a Creed as we would ever want. They guide our daily interactions. They exist in a dynamic tension between the individual and the community. We don’t always get it right. I will explore this issue.
Third Sunday Potluck follows the service.
Sunday, January 24, 2016
This originally planned service was cancelled due to excessive snow.
Quality of Mercy
Speaker: Emily Quarles-Mowrer
Every year, when the calendar turns and the sun returns, I think about what in my life I should strive to improve. Classics are things like exercising more, cooking at home, sticking to my budget. This year the Pope has a suggestion – he has declared 2016 to be the year of Mercy. As Unitarian Universalists, we speak about kindness and compassion, but not usually mercy. In this time of renewal, what gifts can the practice of mercy reveal to us?
Sunday, January 31, 2016
To be a Spiritual Humanist
Rev. Paul D. Daniel
Really, isn’t that an Oxymoron?
Yes, no…let’s explore!
December 2015
Sunday, December 6
The View from the Balcony
Guest Speaker: Rev. Dave Hunter Lay Leader Lisa Jokiel
Prior to becoming a UU Minister, Dave was an attorney with the Civil Rights Division of the department of Justice from 1927 to 2000. He will look at UUism and religion in general from a different perspective. Dave and his wife, the Reverend Kerry Mueller, are retired consulting ministers now serving the Unitarian Universalists of Gettysburg, PA. They are members of the Main Line Unitarian Church.
Sunday, December 13
Daily Life in the Early Days: Guest Speaker: Bob Wood
Lay Leader: Allan Pallay
Writer, artist retired English teacher and local historian Bob Wood will speak about the fabric of daily life in the 18th century Pottstown area. How did early Germanic immigrants live, and in a fundamentally “unmediated world,” what was their world view? Can we even understand their personal mindset, couched as we are in our media saturated world? He will also touch on food, clothing, and shelter in the very early days.
Sunday, December 20
Christmas Gifts for the People and the Planet
Lay Leaders: CJ Rhoads and Lisa Jokiel
The Young People of our RE classes will create a short presentation for us under the guidance of CJ Rhoads. This will be followed by a presentation of material from the Encyclical of Pope Francis, Laudato Si, which is more or less a love letter about the Earth and what could be done to protect the creatures on it. Please join us for our Tree-Decorating Party and Third Sunday Potluck which will follow the service.
THURSDAY, December 24 at 7:00 pm
Carols, Lessons, and Candle Light
Rev. Paul Daniel
We gather as one human family to celebrate this season of Joy and Winter Cheer. Let us share stories and raise high the roof with our sounds of Gladness. We will end our service with the lighting of candles and the hymn of “Silent Night.” Please plan to enjoy informal fellowship, refreshments and song following the service.
Sunday, December 27
Celebrate Diwali, the Hindu Festival of Lights
Lay Presenter: Jay Kapila
Jay will share with us the joy of this very significant and meaningful Hindu festival. In addition to his talk, Jay will again delight us with some homemade festival food.
November 2015
Sunday, November 1, 2015
Honoring Those Who Have Gone Before
Speaker: Judy McDonald
On this day after Halloween and All Saints Day and in this time of Samhain, Judy will share her writing skills and her personal journeys concerning our connections with those who have gone before us. Her recent trip to Ireland has played a role in increasing her appreciation of our ties with ancestors.
Sunday, November 8, 2015
Has the Visit of Pope Francis Spoken to You?
Speakers: Emily Quarles-Mowrer, Allan Pallay
and Lisa Jokiel
Three members of the Worship Committee, will lead a presentation and discussion of the impact of the Pope’s life, ideas, and recent visit. Both the religious and non-religious worlds have become aware of his teachings and examples. What are your thoughts?
Sunday, November 15, 2015
Sharing our Gift
Rev Paul D. Daniel
In keeping with our first principle, the inherent worth and dignity of all people, we believe all of you are valued for who you are and the gifts you bring to shape, grow and feed this congregation. I will share my thoughts on why we will want to support this community.
Sunday, November 22, 2015
Grace and Gratitude Infuse
Rev Paul D. Daniel
This Thanksgiving we give thanks for the many blessing we have: family, good friends, this fellowship to name just a few.
Sunday, November 29, 2015
A Thanksgiving Visit
Rev Aaron Payson
We welcome Rev Aaron Payson, minister of First Unitarian Church of Worchester, MA back for what has become an annual Thanksgiving Sunday sermon. We are thankful to Aaron for making us part of his Thanksgiving Homecoming.
October 2015
Sunday, October 25
Back by Popular Demand
Guest Speaker: Keith Brintzenhoff
Lay Leader: Lisa Jokiel
Please welcome back Keith Brintzenhoff, PA German Speaker, Historian, Teacher, and Musician. Keith visited UUFP a few months ago to share his ethnic knowledge and skills. He returns today, ahead of the Holiday Season, during which he is booked to perform in Belsnickel and other holiday festivals. What is special and important about preserving these traditions? What does it mean to all of us?