Our nursery is staffed by our Nursery caregiver Megan Mickle, and she is offering TLC to our youngest children during our Sunday services. You are welcome to stay with your little one in the Nursery until they feel comfortable to be in the class without you.
Megan has a degree in education, is EMT certified, and has had 5 years experience working with children. Please stop by to meet her and get to know our Nursery caregiver.
Our nursery is open Sundays from 10:00 a.m. to noon. Families with little ones 5 and under are invited to drop off their little ones or stay and play in the nursery as needed. Our child care staff have been screened and given a professional background check. If you have questions about our Religious Education program, please contact Miranda Van Horn or Ruby Barnthouse at RE@uupottstown.org