UU 102 Class — Sunday, February 18, 2024

The Member Services Committee will offer a UU 102 class on Sunday, February 18th at 12:00 noon. This class will cover some of the history of Unitarian Universalism in what is now the United States, some historical highlights of UUFP, and the polity and organization of our congregation. All are welcome to attend.

This is the second of the two classes required to become a new member of UUFP. This class is also a requirement for anyone who was a member of another UU church or fellowship but now would like to join ours. And it’s also for people who are simply interested in learning more about UUism and UUFP.

On the day of the class, you are welcome to take advantage of the 3rd Sunday Potluck Lunch at 11:30, and then join us at noon for class in the Sanctuary. You may bring your dessert and coffee or tea with you!


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