From the Minister’s Desk — December 2020

December already. Early evenings, cold nights, a raging pandemic. Christmas is coming, and Hannukah and New Year’s.  The prospect of bittersweet holidays, staying apart from loved ones now, so that we can be alive and together another year, when we eventually emerge from the constraints of the pandemic, however long that takes. How are you coping with all of this, what are you hoping for in 2021? How will you manage safe holidays, and what do you anticipate in your life? Changes are coming to the country – a new administration, a new plan to deal with Covid, a new resolve to address the large issues of racism and climate change.

In my scheduled, distanced, masked time on the exercise bike at the Wellness Center, I’ve been mentally composing a little parody song: “On the first day of January, I’m looking forward to…

“. . . Hoping  for kinder times, I’ve put in that prominent, drawn out place #5 “No meeean tweets.”

Somewhere between the immediate hopes for ourselves and our families, and the great challenges of the nation and the world, lies the future, or your own fellowship here in Pottstown. When more normal times come, what do you want to be? You have been maintaining a religious community for over half a century, taking care of each other, creating a place for the free and responsible search for truth and meaning, making modest but important contributions to the area around you. What is your vision for the future? Has the experience of hard times widened your circle of care and concern? What do you want to do for and with those people who will emerge from varying degrees of isolation with a renewed appreciation for community, and a longing to be part of something bigger than themselves? How do you want to grapple with the on-going struggle for justice, equity and compassion?  You are in a position to welcome seekers, to work with others to create a better world. Whatever 2021 brings, what role do you want? It’s time to set your vision high.

Happy Holidays to you, and a wonderful New Year.

Love, Kerry

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