“Life is change” – Heraclitus of Ephesus
As you read this, you might be wondering why the first President’s Message of the 2019/2020 year is starting out with a quote on change. The answer is that for the first time in four years, this message is being written by someone other than Miranda Van Horn. Therefore, I would like
to start this message with a great big “Thank You” to Miranda for her dedication and leadership over the past four years. I don’t want to
put words into her mouth, but I believe she would agree with the sentiment that “there was never a dull moment”. During her tenure, she oversaw changes in ministry, focused on the growth of our children’s RE program, helped to strengthen the fellowship’s financial situation, developing additional programs such as the Friday Night Chew …… and the list goes on. The good news is that she will still be very active and involved in the fellowship and for that we are grateful.
The start of our new year also brings other changes. As many might have heard, Ethan Turner, our RE teacher, has accepted a new job out of the area and will no longer be able to serve as our RE teacher. A “Thank You” goes out to him for all of the great work that he did with the children. The board is already actively looking for a replacement and are optimistic that we will have someone by the end of the summer. In the interim, we are looking for volunteers to help with RE. Please let any board member know if you are interested in helping out.
Over the first few months of the new year, you can expect to see other changes. New street signs are going up in various locations so that people may find our fellowship. Linda Pallay and Frances Provost are to be thanked for that. The children’s playground renovation will be finishing up and thanks go to Sue Merkel and many others for working on this. More security cameras will be added thanks to the efforts of Rick Duske. And we might have new windows in the sanctuary. After an open and honest dialogue during the Annual Congregational Meeting, it was decided to further research what options we might have that fit within our budget. So, stay tuned for further details on that.
In closing, I want to let everyone know how honored I feel (and a bit intimidated) to assume the role of Board President for the UUFP. While I have only been here for four years, I have come to truly appreciate and respect the history, mission and members of this fellowship. In order to best serve the fellowship, I will need your help. I can’t read people’s minds (OK – I do try to convince my husband of that, but I haven’t been really successful on that front). I ask that if you have something you feel would help this fellowship to continue on its journey towards meeting its mission, please let me or any member of the board know. All points of view are welcome.
With gratitude,
“Change is inevitable – except from a vending machine” – Author unknown