~~Board of Directors~~
President: Linda Kozitzky
Vice President: Open
Secretary: Mary Ryan
Treasurer: Kris Barnthouse
At-large Board Member: Miranda Van Horn
At-large Board Member: Monica Buckley
~~ Board Committees ~~
Committee on Shared Ministry: Chair: Open
Nominating Committee: Chair: Open
~~Committee Council~~
Chair: Mary Ryan
1. Facilities: Co-Chair: Jon Price
Facilities Co-Chair: Mary Ryan
Gardens: Kay Price
2. Treasurer: Kris Barnthouse
3. Member Services: Chair: Miranda Van Horn
Greeter: Jon Dreazen
Sunday Coffee: Kay Price
Newsletter: Kim Kulp
4. Adult RE: Miranda Van Horn
5. Children and Youth Religious Education Committee (CYRE): Valery Murdock
6. Social Justice/UUAction: Chair: Open
7. Pottstown Cluster: Miranda Van Horn
8. Denominational Affairs: Open
9. Website Administrators: Rick and Erica Duske
10. Worship: Chair: Mary Ryan
~~ RE Teachers~~
Nursery: Amanda Dill
RE Class (K-5): Megan Mickle
Tweens Class (6-8th): Ruby Barnthouse