The Thanksgiving holiday is almost upon us again (how did that happen so fast??). This
month’s column will focus on some things that have been happening at the UUFP that we
should give thanks for. The first item will be to acknowledge that our fellowship has a beautiful
new sign. The process started with a “Design our Sign” contest that all friends and members could participate in. The design that received the most votes was created by Kim Kulp. Then Mary Ryan, Sam Cantin, and Jon Price set about building the sign and putting it up. While the
process was long and involved, I hope that everyone agrees that the result is beautiful.
Next, acknowledgement and thanks need to go out to all who gave up a beautiful Saturday
morning to participate in the “Labors of Love” clean-up of our facility and grounds. There was
someone who was renting the facility for an event later that day (and keep in mind that he
had seen it prior to the clean-up). When he arrived, he could not get over how nice our
property looked. Others at the event also commented how beautiful our grounds were and
would keep us in mind to rent our space for any event they were holding. So, thank you to all
who worked that day.
The next acknowledgement and thanks go to Valery Murdoch and all the parents who are
helping to fill in to manage the nursery and RE classes every Sunday. While we are still actively
looking for individuals to manage these on a permanent basis, it is falling to the parents to
manage these. I want to thank Valery for coordinating coverage and all the parent
volunteers who have given up their “spiritual time” in the sanctuary to provide coverage.
William George Jordan said ”Gratitude is thankfulness expressed in action.” There is an
action that I am hoping members of our community are willing to take. That action is to
volunteer to provide coverage for the nursery and RE classes. The larger the pool of
volunteers that we have, the fewer times that any one individual needs to be called upon.
Valery has committed to create the lessons for the RE classes, so the effort is simply leading
the kids in the lesson. Young families and their children are the future of UUFP and our greater community. Volunteering to support the children is a great way to express gratitude for what you have found here at the UUFP. Please let Valery or I know if you would be willing to do this.
Finally, a big thank you to all the individuals working behind the scenes to ensure that Coffee
Hour and Potluck Sunday are enjoyable events. his includes those who get to UUFP early to
put the coffee on, to those who provide the delicious food and snacks, and those who clean
up and do the dishes afterwards. All efforts are greatly appreciated.
With gratitude, Linda