Our dear friend, Peggy Jones, passed away on July 28th at the age of 90. She was a member of UUFP since the beginning, even when UUFP was just an idea. She was our last founding member and was married to Bob Jones who was instrumentational in the formation of UUFP.
Peggy served several roles at UUFP, she was an office worker in UUFP’s earlier days, was on the aesthetics committee for many years, and purchased and maintained our Memory History cabinet that is in the foyer of our building, until we closed the building due to the pandemic. When you add it up Peggy was a member of UUFP for all of its 54 years! That’s amazing dedication to the idea of supporting a liberal faith in a conservative community. Peggy was a quiet woman who attended just about every service put on by UUFP until she became too frail to attend regularly. She once said to me that UUFP was Bob’s dream and his passion and she was determined to support it even after Bob passed away in 2008.
I spoke with Peggy at the end of June and had no inkling that she was seriously ill. She was happy and sounded just like Peggy, not giving away any idea that she was ill, if in fact she was. I do not know if she suffered or passed away quietly in her sleep, I can only hope she went quietly into that good night, doing just the opposite of Dylan Thomas’s poem, “Do not Go Gentle into that Good Night.” Peggy said she had a good life and mentioned it several times over the past years. She told me that during the pandemic she loved looking out her windows into her back yard. It brought back memories of her and her immediate family and that always brought her joy.
I’m sure you’ll miss Peggy as will I, but at least we had the pleasure of knowing her for many years. ~ Linda P.