“Live in the sunshine. Swim in the sea. Drink in the wild air.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
First, we have started to have in-person services which are held outdoors. It has been great to actually “see” people, especially those who have not participated in our Zoom services. For those who have not attended, please come see us. We have tents so you are not in the direct sun, Carly, our pianist, brings her electric keyboard so we have music, and we dine al fresco with our coffee hour. It has been quite an enjoyable experience so far. So, grab a chair and come see us.
The Buildings and Ground Committee (aka Jon Price) have been busy with various maintenance projects. New faucets installed in restrooms, ceiling tiles replaced, back closet dry-walled and painted and a UV filter added to our water filtration system. The Garden Committee has been busy harvesting the summer crops. The Pottstown Cluster of Religious Communities has started to accept food donations again, so we have been able to share our bounty with them. And finally, the Worship Committee has been working diligently to line up in-person speakers to supplement the Sunday Services conducted by our Ministers.
There is also a lot of work that is being done in preparation for our first indoor service scheduled for Sunday, September 12. Weekly cleaning of the fellowship has started up again and discussions are underway on how to conduct Children’s Religious Education. There are also discussions regarding what protocols we might put in place to keep members and friends of the UUFP healthy. While we can’t create a “Covid-free” environment, we can do our best to create a “Covid-safe” environment. Any protocols will be communicated to you prior to the first indoor service.
In closing, I hope that all of you are enjoying your summer and doing things that bring you joy. I look for- ward to seeing you at an upcoming in-person service.
In gratitude, Linda K.