Unitarian Universalist Fellowships and Churches annually certify their organizations with the UUA. Membership statistics are taken from all UU churches at that time. The results are in and we recently received a communication about those numbers from UUA Executive Vice President Carey McDonald. “Adult membership is steady overall,” he reports. He continues that we’ve “stabilized a downward trend in membership that had run 2010-2017,” even in the face of statistics that show that the number of people attending and identifying with other denominations is falling. It’s interesting too, that UUA’s growth is coming largely from our smallest congregations– congregations of 150 members or fewer. That’s us, folks! This corroborates one of our basic convictions that there is a need in our Pottstown community of churches for a religiously liberal option.
We continue in our mission to nurture spiritual journeys, embrace diversity, celebrate community, and turn values into action!
And speaking of UUFP values, many thanks to Mary R for turning her UU values into action by organizing UUFP’s hosting of the March on Harrisburg — this year protesting the lack of PA laws regulating “gifts” to legislators.
Kay P., Erica D., Sue M., Cyndi B-H., Bev J. and Mary R. provided a healthy meal for the marchers.
It’s the second year we’ve offered food and shelter to this group during the weeklong march. They always express their profound thanks and we can only thank them in return for their willingness to confront these issues in a way that many of us could not. I know I couldn’t any longer walk for a whole day – let alone a week of days — to help shine a spotlight on the issues such as these.
I am stepping away as President as of the end of June. Thank you for your support and the opportunity to serve.
My membership at UUFP sustains me and is a blessing.