From the Minister’s Desk, June 2019

“The Sweet June Days Are Come Again” – hymn #65, lovely and cheerful. What does June mean to you? The end of school? No more lessons, no more books? (And teachers have a version of that one, and stay at home parents have their own views). The slower pace of summer, with vacations and picnics and summer reading programs? The end of the church year, and a move to more relaxed services? This is the time of year when full time ministers, exhausted from months of weekly sermons, and board meetings,
and too many memorial services and church conflicts, begin to talk about being “crispy” at the edges. I expect that’s true also of hard working, self-sufficient congregational leaders with only limited ministerial support. Thanks to you all for your wonderful leadership in this congregation!

But there’s light at the end of the tunnel. That final sprint through May and June take us to – General Assembly. This gathering is the annual meeting in which Unitarian Universalism makes its major decisions in a huge and raucous democratic process. Each congregation is entitled to representatives based on its membership; representatives ideally chosen locally by a democratic process, well equipped to vote by congregational discussion and member input, and supported financially and logistically by the congregation. Ideally. Alas, it’s usually whoever can make the trip.

However, modern technology means that congregations can be represented by off-site delegates checking in via internet connections. Anyone interested in representing UUFP as an off-site delegate, please contact any member of the board. The plenary sessions and many of the workshops and events are also available live streamed as well. Google UU GA to learn more about the on-line possibilities, and do watch some events.

But there is nothing quite like being there – singing hymns with 3000 other UU’s is overwhelming. Joining in a social justice demonstration is inspiring. The banner parade is time to cheer yourself hoarse. The exhibit hall gives you a sense of the huge spectrum of UU ideas, values, groups, and talents. You can buy flaming chalice jewelry or note cards, T-shirts with your favorite message, mugs, fair trade coffee, and BOOKS from Beacon Press and Inspirit, the UU bookstore.
This year June 19-23, GA is in Spokane, a bit far for Dave and me in this age of unpleasant air travel. But next year we’ll be driving to Providence RI. I hope some of you will start planning, and that the board will develop a process to recruit delegates. It’s an amazing event, to greatly
enhance your UU experience!
Rev Kerry Mueller

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