President’s Message, April 2019

Happy Spring!
Many thanks go to everyone who helped with our Annual Pot Luck: “Puttin’ on the Ritz!”; — to the kitchen crew, decorators, cooks and bakers, musicians and music providers, set up, clean-up and tear down gangs – and especially the Membership Committee who planned and coordinated the whole wonderful evening! What fun we had! The food was especially delicious and the atmosphere was most enjoyable! Thank you, all!

In my role as RE Liaison to the Board, I’m happy and excited to announce that RE teacher Ethan and the UUFP Board are making plans for a summer vacation RE program this year, pending funding in our 2019-20 budget! (Have you turned in your 2019-20 pledge card yet?) We are in the planning stages but are tentatively looking at the first full week of August. We’re
putting together an exciting week of activities – grounded in UU’ism and focusing on the environment, the arts, and the world’s religions. More details to follow as plans develop.
Now, Ethan is full of great ideas but it will be impossible for him to carry this out single handedly. Please see Ethan or me if you’re willing and able to lend a hand in any way. We’ll need some assists in planning, gathering materials, some teaching, and some classroom assistance – especially as the class size is growing exponentially! Several people have volunteered already so join the fun! For those who would like to help with classroom
activities, we’ll provide quick and easy resources for gathering state required child protection clearances for volunteers.
I am also delighted to announce that, at the March Board meeting, the Board and Reverend Kerry Mueller and Reverend Dave Hunter all agreed to extend what was a six month ministerial agreement to an additional year — July 2019 thru June 2020 — also pending funding in our budget. The Board continues to explore practical and practicable repair/replacement of
sanctuary windows and have taken up the Spring task of nominating officers and committee chairs for the upcoming church year.
Looking forward,

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