Sunday, August 19, 2018
Shalom Aleichem Speakers: Jon Dreazen, Emily Quarles Mowrer and Lisa Jokiel
Solomon Naumovich Rabinovich, known to the world as Shalom Aleichem, was born in the Ukraine at the end of the 19th century in a shtetl; a small village of Jews in the Russian Empire. He had a unique ability to draw from his experience growing up, to write stories that told of life in his youth using simple but eloquent language, originally in Yiddish or Hebrew. One of his most notable stories was “Tevya the Dairyman” which achieved fame as the play “Fiddler on the Roof”. It’s a wonderful tale of happiness and sorrow of Jewish life under Russian oppression. I will explore some of the “lessons” within the story as they speak very eloquently to us to this very day and Emily will do the same with the wonderful and memorable songs from the play. Come and join us to sample the richness of the timeless wisdom captured so well by this iconic author! 3rd Sunday Potluck will follow the service