Sunday, July 8
Hope is the Thing with Feathers Guest Speaker: Reverend Connie Simon
Lay Leader: Allan Pallay
In our busy, complicated lives and our troubled world, we are often faced with illness, despair and other difficult situations. Well-meaning friends encourage us with platitudes like “hope for the best.” What is “hope” and where do we find it when all seems lost? Rev. Connie Simon is a 2018 graduate of Meadville Lombard Theological School and was recently ordained by the First Unitarian Church of Philadelphia and the Unitarian Society of Germantown. She is a member of the Black Lives UU Worship Team and a contributor to the UUA’s Promise & the Practice program and its Braver/ Wiser blog. A native of southern Chester County, PA, Rev. Simon will be moving to Ohio to begin service as Senior Minister at the First Unitarian Church of Cincinnati.