UUFP Book Club

October 8th, 2016

The Bookclub members have chosen the book “The Third imageReconstruction: Moral Monday’s, Fusion Politics, and the Rise of the new Justice Movement by Reverend William Barber II. We will meet at 12:00 in the Social Room with our BYOLunch and snacks to share. Below are excerpts from the cover of the book, the UU World magazine and the Kirkus Reviews:

From the book cover:

In this memoir of how Rev. Barber and allies as diverse as progressive Christians, union members, and immigration-rights activists came together to build a coalition, he offers a trenchant analysis of race-based inequality and a hopeful message for a nation grappling with persistent racial and economic injustice. Rev. Barber writes movingly—and pragmatically—about how he laid the groundwork for a state-by-state movement that unites black, white, and brown, rich and poor, employed and unemployed, gay and straight, documented and undocumented, religious and secular. Only such a diverse fusion movement, Rev. Barber argues, can heal our nation’s wounds and produce public policy that is morally defensible, constitutionally consistent, and economically sane. The Third Reconstruction is both a blueprint for movement building and an inspiring call to action from the twenty-first century’s most effective grassroots organizer.

From the UU World magazine:

In a rousing and inspiring rally Thursday night for broad-based justice that brought the standing-room-only crowd to its feet many times, the Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II, UUA President Peter Morales, and others exhorted the crowd of Unitarian Universalists to say “enough!” to white supremacy, classism, homophobia, and “other kinds of violence perpetrated by fear,” as Morales said.

Barber, who said injustice, inequality, and oppression evince a “heart problem” in the nation, said it is “dangerous to mess with the heart; if the heart malfunctions, the whole body gets sick.” He called upon UUs and people of faith to “stop what you’re doing” and “keep shocking the heart.” As the audience leapt to its feet clapping and cheering, he shouted, over and again, “It’s time to shock this nation!”

A Kirkus Reviews:

“A battle-hardened pastor calls for a faith-based, grass-roots movement for social justice…It’s the religious component that makes his story particularly interesting. Fully aware of the suspicion Bible-speak arouses in modern progressive circles, the author still insists on viewing the justice struggle through a moral prism, one always backstopped by ‘a Higher Power.’…A heartfelt dose of old-time religion mixed with modern-day activism.”

We hope you’ll join us on the 8th.





UUFP Book Club September 10, 2016

We had a great discussion on “East of Eden” by John Steinbeck. We Catch22

then decided not to meet  during July and August as we are all going in different directions during the summer. How great we have such interesting lives!!!

So we will resume meeting the first Saturday in September 3, noon at the Fellowship. That is tentative right now because it is the Labor Day weekend so that date may change if most of us have other plans.

The book we chose is another classic, “Catch 22” by Joseph Heller. “Catch 22” has been described as one of the greatest literary works of the twentieth century. Set in World War II, the novel follows the experiences of airmen based in the Mediterranean Sea as they attempt to fulfill their service requirements and so get to go home. The phrase “catch 22” entered the Eng-lish language referring to an unsolvable logic problem that Heller uses as a plot device. The writing style is described as unique, the characters multidimensional, and it is consistently highly ranked in lists of greatest English – language novels ever written.

It is on my literary bucket list and I am looking forward to reading it and to our lively  discussion afterward. Please let me know if that first Saturday in September does or does not work for you.

Have a blessed summer!!!


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