President’s Message: October 2022

“Autumn, the season that teaches us that change can be beautiful.” ~ Anonymous

Change might be coming to UUFP. As has been reported  in the past in this column, the board has been looking for a part-time, contract minister. We have identified an individual, Rev. Kim Wilson, who is interested in working for us as a quarter-time minister. Rev. Wilson is a life-long Unitarian Universalist. She graduated with a Master of Divinity degree from Moravian Theological Seminary in Bethlehem, PA in 2000. She was ordained in 2001 and served the Shoreline UU Society in Madison, CT for six years. She then served the UU Fellowship of the Poconos in Stroudsburg from 2012 until this past January. Even though she has begun serving as half-time minister for the UUs of Central Delaware in Dover, she is very interested in serving UUFP. Many of you might recognize the name because she has been a guest speaker at the Fellowship three times in the past. When she’s not engaged in ministry, Rev. Kim enjoys gardening, nature, yoga, and spending time with family.

The Board of Directors does not want to make the decision to bring Rev. Wilson on without input from members and friends of the Fellowship. The Worship Committee arranged it such that members and friends would be able to participate in two Sunday Services that she will lead (or have led), September 18 and October 2. We will then hold a Town Hall Meeting on Sunday, October 9, after Sunday Services to gather your input and perspective as to whether she is a good fit for UUFP. If you are unable to participate in the Town Hall Meeting and would like to provide input, please reach out to a board member to share your point of view prior to October 9.

While it is important to embrace change that helps to determine our future, it is just as important to celebrate our past. October 2022 marks the 55th year that UUFP has been in existence. Mark your calendar for October 15 when UUFP will host a 55th Anniversary Party Potluck dinner. In addition, we will take time during this celebration  to pay tribute to Peggy Jones, one of the founding members, who passed away last year. This promises to be a very special evening. All are welcome.

Enjoy October!

With gratitude, Linda

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